Most of you know by now that we're having a baby. We couldn't be more blessed and excited, and are grateful for the love shown by our supportive family and friends! This is such an exciting time in our lives that we have dreamt of for years, and are so thrilled that it is finally becoming a reality.
The initial use of this blog is to keep family and friends informed of our goings on, so it is only natural that we follow the pregnancy, as it is thus far our biggest adventure of all. The format I'm using is adapted from my friend Katie's blog,
Daisy Kate. She is much more creative than me, as I've taken various aspects of documenting this journey from her, such as the chalkboard photos.
How far along? 16 weeks!
Maternity clothes? Yes, finally! I bought some jeans and a few cute tops from H&M, as well as a pair of black leggings for working out. My work out clothes are starting to become very uncomfortable, and during this time of high energy, I want to make sure I don't skip a beat because of tight pants. I put out a message on FB asking people willing to donate their old maternity clothes, and that I'll be happy to pay the shipping. I hope this yields a few new threads! My mother also said she sent some more comfortable clothing to me. Can't wait for those to get here!
Stretch marks? I have a few. As weight has fluctuated over the years, I tend to get discreet stretch marks. After noticing them the other day, I've started back dry brushing, and lathering on coconut oil and
Mama Baby Oil. Things could be a lot worse!
Sleep: I was sleeping well for a while, but the last few nights have consisted of tossing fits and me unable to get comfortable. My back is starting to ache a bit, so I think that may be part of it. I am eternally grateful for my full size
Snoogle. Matt has tried it out and approves! It's a lifesaver.
Cravings? MEXICAN FOOD! It's seriously all I want, all the time. Also, three bean salad. So weird. I saw it in the store one day and though I'd like it and have now resorted to consuming two cans a week. Tomato sandwiches have also been happening quite a bit, and I've been drinking more tomato juice than usual. I'm also enjoying my daily protein shake, consisting of chocolate soy milk, peanut butter, and hemp protein. Coconut water is another thing I can't stop drinking after our trip to Thailand :)
Aversions? Raw meat (thank the gods this is not a problem in our house, for the most part, but I gag every time I pass it at the grocer/market). Anything I have to cook is another thing. Most of you know I love to cook, but these days it is difficult to do. Another weird one is kale and other green veggies. I love veg, but lately it's been difficult to stomach. Collard greens are fine, but I cannot eat kale or Brussels sprouts, broccoli, etc. Dirty dishes, the dishwasher in general. TUNA. Matt has started bringing tuna into the house again and it makes me ill. It is the most foul smelling food in the entire world and is something even non-preggos find offensive. I don't know how he doesn't understand how disgusted I am by it, but he continues to make tuna salad every. single. day. I also don't like anything that makes a squishy noise - mac and cheez, tuna salad, etc.
Other symptoms: I'm always thirsty. ALWAYS! It especially comes right before bedtime, which is fantastic for my ever shrinking bladder. Which brings me to the second issue, having a pea-sized bladder. I go before I leave for the gym, when I get to the gym, before I leave the gym, when I get to the's a nightmare. I've also been a little out of breath, and Matt notes that I grunt a lot when trying to pick something up. He thinks it's hysterical! One hilarious symptom is my crying. I cry probably twice a day at the most silly things. Saturday I read the baby The Giving Tree and bawled through the whole thing. Whenever I see a sad animal I lose it. Thailand was a nightmare, for that reason. Matt likes to tell a story of how I freaked out one time because I couldn't find the juicer. I looked everywhere, and started tearing up asking him where he put it. It was right in front of me. After he pointed that out, I dropped my head into my hands and sobbed while he laughed. I'm so glad he's my partner through all of this :) A lot of women say they become enraged for no reason, but that hasn't happened to me yet. I'm more of a cryer. Acne is the one thing that I've complained about the whole time. I concocted my own toner out of apple cider vinegar, green tea, and tea tree oil that seems to help a LOT, but every time one goes away, another one pops up. Other than that, I feel great, and I'm incredibly lucky that's the only really negative thing I've experienced! The best symptom of all: starting to feel little sporadic flutters that could indeed be baby! AND BOOBS!
Best moment of the week? I'd have to say the best moment I've had in the last 7 days was listening to Nugget's heart beat :) Alexa, our midwife, came to the house last Monday, and she got out her doppler. It was pretty cool! I've noticed a difference in Pace since she heard the baby. I think it told her something is going on. She's a lot more loving now, and always wants to be where I am. Alexa also felt around and found the baby! She said the little one is in a position most boys start in, head down (I hope they are found that way throughout the next trimester!!). She also said the baby is very relaxed, but not shy. Sounds good to me! Tomorrow we visit the OB for an ultrasound, and I sure hope s/he gives us a show. It is possible to find out the gender at this visit, so we have our fingers crossed. We both think it's a boy, though I don't have a preference. I think Matt really wants a boy.
One thing I want to emphasize is how lucky I am to have such an amazing partner through all of this. Matt has been the best friend he always has been to me, but even more supportive as he sees I need it. He's been sensitive to my crying spells, and I love that he laughs when it happens because it makes me realize how silly some of these symptoms can be. Every day he asks if I need anything on his drive home from work. Yesterday I swept and mopped the house only for the pups to ruin it all within the hour. Matt knows how important it is to me that we have clean floors, and this morning, before he left for work, he swept and mopped. Seriously? That is the sweetest thing ever. He also loves to touch my belly and talk to the baby, and has even started reading to her/him.
I'm most appreciative of him in his support in our birth plan. We are planning a home birth, something we decided upon before we even got married. He is just as onboard as I am, and is ready to be a hands-on birth partner. Whenever I have doubts of my strength, as I feel most mommies-to-be do, he reassures me that not only am I strong enough, and that my body was made to do this, but that millions of women have done this before me, and that he truly believes it is the best and most healthy choice for both the baby and me. He reassures me, "We've done the research, you're mentally/emotionally/physically planning for it", etc. I don't know what I would do without him and I am so grateful that he is the father of my child.
Now, on to the photos. I must say, watching your body grow in the early developmental phase of pregnancy can be a bit of a shock, especially to someone who is constantly trying to better herself. For a while, you just look fat. It doesn't matter how thin you were before, it's just awkward. I covered up in sweatshirts and cried when I couldn't button my pants. Now that I've transitioned into curve hugging and maternity-friendly clothes, I've never felt so beautiful! I love my bump and can't wait to see it grow!
Our last photo at 15 weeks. Excuse the makeup, we were headed out to an event.
14 weeks in Koh Samui :)
Daddy's so excited! Baby Nugget is just 7 weeks in this little jellybean of a photograph.
Here is Nugget at 12 weeks. He really showed off for us.
Stay tuned ☮