Matt and I have so much to look forward to in the next month or so!
In late October we are headed back to the states. There we will visit our "home town", aka AUBURN!!, see relatives we haven't seen in over a year, hang out with the best friends anyone could ask for, and attend a family wedding.
Though I'm stoked about our sister's wedding (NOT MUCH LONGER ALISA!), I'd be remiss to say that I'm not equally, if not a bit more, excited to see my grandmas. I'm lucky enough to have three terrific grandmothers that have been dynamic in my life. And they love Matt like they do all of their grandkids. Sometimes I get a little jealous, but don't tell ;)
And our besties. Where do I start!? We base our life around when we can see Sarah and Daron Flory. It's just the truth. We consider them family, and there will be a major sob fest upon our meeting and departure. Well, from the boys at least.
But besides our trip we have other news which I have shared with you - embarking on a new chapter in life known as Masterdom! I cannot express in words how ecstatic I am to get started with school! If there were a profession known as eternal student, that would be moi.
To recap, I am working on my Masters in International Relations through the University of Oklahoma. The plan is to graduate by Spring 2013, and then complete a summer or semester long internship in D.C., NYC, Brussels, or Atlanta. At least, that's the "plan". As the saying goes, "Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars". That is my motto!
I'm lucky to have such a supportive partner in Matt. He always encourages me to better myself, which in-turn betters our bond. I joke with him that I am ahead in the race to our PhDs. He thinks I'm kidding...
My first class - Geography of Primary Production - covers resources and environmental geography. "What is the world is that?" you might ask? We will talk about mining, forestry, oil, water, agriculture, and other environmental stressors/woes. I. AM. STOKED. Particularly on the issues of oil in the Middle East and agriculture in Asia! Wow, that sounded nerdier than anticipated.
Suffice it to say, we have a busy couple of months planned out. But every day I think about it all and can't help but smile. We are going to end 2011 on a fantastic note!
Hope you all are enjoying Hump Day!