Friday, April 6, 2012

World's Worst Blogger

It's true. I'm terrible.

Alas, I have good news!

Welcome to the family Pace Prudence Cole :)

Pace is a baby girl West Highland Terrier and we finally adopted her today! It was only a 12 hour car trip (wah wah wah).

Her name, Pace (pa-ché, or pa-chay) means "peace" in Italian. Her middle name, Prudence, was picked by Papa Bear and represents one of our favorite bands and songs - "Dear Prudence" by the Beatles.

Here she is with big brother:

Patton being a giant goober, per the usual. It looks like he's going to eat her!

We are elated to have another little lovey in the house, and I'm so glad the male to female ratio is finally 2:2.

I'll try to be better about blogging. Though I'm quite certain it will all be pictures of pups :)


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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