So in case you haven't heard yet, there's some pretty disparaging news coming in from The Plains. Matt received an email about an hour ago (around 5:30AM our time) and we've been up talking about it since.
It seems some ignoramus going by the name of "Al, from Dadeville" has poisoned the 130 year old oak trees all Auburn fans have learned to love on the corner of Magnolia and College, otherwise known as Toomer's Corner.
This fine gentleman called into "The Paul Finebaum Show" in Birmingham and said he poisoned the trees the weekend after the Iron Bowl because, get this, he was upset that a few college kids rolled Toomer's after Bear Bryant died. Now I hate that they did that, "Al", but really? Really?
I'm just gonna put it out there - this guy is probably a middle-aged redneck living the Dadeville dream, he's probably been to a total of 3 Alabama games in his life, but never attended the university (a trait common to many Alabama fans). But to destroy life, to destroy tradition? It's unfathomable to all Auburn Alum, and most descent human beings.
I grew up in a house divided. My mom is from Auburn, dad is from Tuscaloosa. My dad is a huge Alabama fan, and both of my brothers are U of A Alum. In fact, I almost attended the university myself. Thank the stars I visited Auburn that summer and changed my mind!
Back to the point...
For years I have been defending the University of Alabama. The times people have screamed "Roll Tide" in my face when all I wanted to do was have a little fun, when people would mock my team, when wearers of crimson and white would say the most despicable things just because they believed they had the best team in the SEC. It seems more often than not Alabama supporters are talking trash or being, in general, classless.
Before I continue, Dad, please don't disown me for this post. I'm a little enraged at this moment and I've gotta get it out.
But for someone, who more likely than not has never set foot inside a university's classroom, to poison 130 years of tradition? And not only that, it may destroy all of Samford Park! A park I walked through every day, a place I found refuge in between classes and on sunny days, a park where Matt and I used to picnic and where we had our engagement pictures taken.
We took it for granted that we would bring our kids to Toomer's and share with them the tradition we hold dear. But sadly, our children will never see Toomer's Corner the way we did. It will only be a story and a few photographs. Since I was a toddler I've been making it out to see the oak trees, but my children will not have that luxury. And this kills me.
I just wanted to blow off some steam, and reminisce of good times passed, and say one last thing....I believe in Auburn, AND LOVE IT!
Sarah and me at Toomer's Corner with Aubie after a good 'ole Auburn victory!
Weagle, weagle!
The Florys and Coles in front of the oaks
Matt and me on Samford lawn, a place we visited often, and a beautiful yard that may be destroyed

For more read Opelika-Auburn News' Article:
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